I added pictures after the 2nd fill last Friday. I've moved the pages from the side bar to tabs above the posts/below the header. If you're viewing this on mobile format and can't figure out how to view the pictures, just below my header on the top of the page about the blog there is a little bar that says main blog (it should be just above this post) and at the end of the bar is a little drop down arrow that you can select to view the pictures page.
I'm still not thrilled with the size. I really want to go bigger, but unfortunately I think with 300 cc expanders, at 200 ccs, I'm 2/3 of the way there, and I didn't really notice that big of a difference between 100 and 200, so I think I may just have to to accept that I won't be much bigger than this. We'll see. I've read on a message board about someone else who was filled to 350 ccs and then had a 500 cc implant placed at the exchange. I'll see what my surgeon says about that.
My scars are still not very nice looking. I'm somewhat bothered by how red my drain scars are considering I didn't even have drains with this last surgery. But they're all improving. I'm not too concerned about the breast incision scars at this point since there is still going to be another surgery.
You can't really tell by these pictures either, but the right one is lower than the left. that and the space between them is what is currently bothering me most about them. I want them level and closer together!
I need to go buy a supportive bra, but I'm undecided as to whether I should do that now, as I really want to, or wait until the last fill so I ensure the best fit possible for the longest period of time prior to the exchange. Hmmm... we'll see I guess.
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